Resource management in district heating systems

Managing the resources feeding a district heating system can be complex especially when the available resources are many and when they can also be used to generate electic power. This cogeneration is often adopted when alternative resources as solid waste incineration or natural hot water springs are used. In order to provide an efficient system able to face the users demand and to employ the resources and the energy "stores" optimally, suitable mathematical models and solution algorithms must be devised. This research develops the models and the algorithms for the complex case arising in the municipality of Ferrara.

Other models are developed for evaluating the possible estension of the system (addition of new heating sources, extension of the supply network, determination of the optimal stocks capacity).


Slides presentation (in Italian).


Roberto Aringhieri (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

Giorgio Gallo (Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa).

Claudio Artioli (AGEA - Ferrara)

List of papers

  1. Aringhieri R., G. Gallo, F. Malucelli, C. Artioli. Un modello per la gestione del teleriscaldamento e la cogenerazione di energia elettrica nella città di Ferrara Logistica & Management n. 113 (gennaio-febbraio 2001): p. 75-93.
  2. Aringhieri R. and F. Malucelli, "Optimal operations management and network planning of a district heating system with a combined heat and power plant", (2002) submitted for pubblication to Annals of OR.